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Black & Multiracial Families

In any context, race is a critical issue, but in our rural and largely white area, the experience of race can be especially so. It is crucial that a therapist working with a person of color understand the historical and current implications of race, how race impacts individual and social development, and how race affects daily life. I have extensive experience working with Black people, as well as issues related to multiracial families. I am well-trained in these areas but I continue to evolve in my understanding of my own race and ethnicity, my privilege as a white person, and how these issues impact my life, my family, and my work as a therapist.

I also have a special interest in working with issues related to transracial adoption. For adoptive families or for the person who was adopted, race adds a complicating layer. Our work together will offer a safe space to explore the sometimes difficult, sometimes conflicting emotions that this rich history brings up.